Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Speak Up

      The online world is a place where individuals of all ages are able to post anything they wish. After reading Carrie Rentschler’s article on online abuse I was filled with several emotions. First and foremost I just wanted to say that I am not too surprised that someone would take a photograph of this young girl lying naked and unconscious on the floor instead of wanting to help her out of a horrible situation because this is not an uncommon act. However, I would like to say that I do not know what is wrong with our society and I don’t even know how people like this live with themselves. 

This young girl went to a party and the events following this were very traumatic and others around offered nothing but fuel to the fire. Due to these menacing human beings who had to post their own-reenactments of the photo caused her to relive her worst nightmare. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all of these social media web sites have misconstrued the mind’s of young individuals. Today young teens are so occupied with what others think of them and they will do anything just to show power, gain popularity points, and receive attention.

      Being sexually assaulted is a very serious topic that young adults should be aware about at that age and know how to help someone in that situation. Dana Boyd bring up the topic of bullying online and many people engage in online drama is for attention. She explains that the term cyber bullying is often called something else which is drama because it can be friends being sarcastic to each other and being mean which is not the same as being a bully. Cyber bullying has to be persistent and cause harm to that individual which certainly was the case for this young girl. 

      There are many resources that provides useful information on cyberbullying and how to stop it. 

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