Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Perks of Blogging

Tiffany Brown’s interview on blogging has many interesting explanations a new-time blogger such as me can take away. There is no right or wrong way to blogging and each blogger has their own style. 

Perks to Tiffany’s blogging:
1 It helped her grow professionally
2 She blogged about something she was passionate about: gender, race, and politics.
3 Allowing comments equaled more traffic to her blog.
 4.  Bloglines and are two links she used to find interesting links.
5 She sets aside time to blog each day which keeps her in tact with her blog. 

Although Tiffany has a background in writing due to her major in journalism doesn’t mean you need to have that type of background in order to blog. I like the idea of blogging because you are able to share your thoughts on topics you find interesting with individuals and get feedback. Tiffany explains how her writing has changed since she started blogging by turning towards a more conversational tone. This is interesting to me because although many of us use these types of tones through interactions on social media or when we are researching topics for a class we typically have to write in a more formal tone. 

It is interesting to read that a blogger such as Tiffany who has made blogging a big part of her life and even stated she would love for it to be her career even gets burnt out. The longest she has taken off in six months and I thought to myself that it quite sometime. However, we are all deal with many things in life, and it is not unusual to feel overwhelmed. Tiffany enjoys blogging so she can connect, debate, and share ideas with others and I believe this is a great way to feel connected even with the busy lives we all have. 

I am excited to start blogging, and learn how to get a better hang of it, especially after reading over Tiffany’s interview. She has many great tips to offer, and I have a lot to learn! 

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